The Divine Liturgy (what Catholics often call the Mass) is the very heart of Orthodox life and faith. In it we receive Holy Communion which unites us with other Orthodox believers throughout the world. We are also united to the whole ‘communion of saints – all the departed martyrs, holy fathers, and mothers of past ages – who join us and the hosts of angels in giving unceasing glory to God (cf. Isaiah 6 : 3; Revelation 7: 9–17). But most importantly, Holy Communion unites each of us to Jesus Christ, for he offers himself to us in his very Body and Blood (cf. John 6: 53–57). Orthodox parishes celebrate the Divine Liturgy every Sunday morning as well as on many feast days throughout the year.

Orthodox Christians are invited to receive Holy Communion if they are properly prepared and are not under any penance. Amongst other things, proper preparation includes faithful fasting, recent confession (within one month), being at peace with others, and being on time for the divine services. If you are visiting and you are not an Orthodox Christian, please do not approach the chalice during the distribution of Holy Communion. If you are uncertain if you are blessed to approach the chalice, please do not come forward until you have met and spoken with the Priest.
There are also many other Divine Services in the Church, which are celebrated throughout the year and in different seasons. They serve various purposes and are there to enhance the worship experience as well as cater to the spiritual needs of the Orthodox faithful. These Services must be experienced repeatedly in order to be fully understood.